We collect for the Winged House of Hope because we are developing.
We collect money for the Winged House of Hope because there is no place in Poznań where you can receive psychological support.
House of Hope
To spreads wings and brings help to Poles and Ukrainians. Help us buy it.
So far, as a foundation, we have rented a part of the house, the activities of which we are briefly mentioning.
However, there is an opportunity to buy it and expand our plans and dreams.
We start the race until December, and our goal is one million zlotys. We are looking for a million people who will pay one zloty, so little, and so much for us! Stay with us, you are one in a million.
Action through uplifting: discovering potential and using it for development.
The Foundation fulfill its mission through:
Supporting people in discovering their beauty, identity and potential, both among children and adults
Equipping people with motivation and skills to act, through workshops and trainings
Encouraging people to social activities, promoting volunteering

The „Uskrzydleni” Foundation was established on February 12, 2016 by the married couple, Bernarda Grzywacz-Nowicka and Rafał Nowicki.
On May 30, 2016 the Foundation was entered into the National Court Register.
The logo of the Foundation was designed by Magdalena Bloch.
The website was designed by Magdalena Witczak.
You will not help anyone if you have not yet spread your wings
The „Neverland” is a place that really exists.
The „Neverland” is a sociotherapeutic daycare center for children from families in need of support. We have been operating in Swierczewo in Poznan since 2006.
We give children wings by teaching them to discover their own potential and act with passion.
What can children find in Neverland?
Safe relationships
based on understanding and respect
which supports emotional development
psychological and pedagogical
Interesting trips
as well as games and sport activities
Occupational therapy
which allows them to develop their talents
Holiday trips
summer camps, summer play centers
Thanks to what the „Neverland” gives children, they discover their talents.
They learn to respect and express emotions and desires in an assertive and communicable way. They gain courage and trust in themselves and other people, and build their self-esteem. During the workshops they learn how to deal with difficult situations and face fears.
The „Neverland” gives children the opportunity to develop and catch up with their education.
We invite you to follow our fanpage on Facebook
Creative education
Do you like helping others and you are good at it or you are just starting out in charity and wondering what exactly you could do?
If you want to give wings to others, you have many opportunities to share goodness with us. We will help you discover the potential of your heart and commitment.
By making a donation to the account of the Uskrzydleni Foundation, you help with us.
The Uskrzydleni Foundation can help other thanks to the volunteers who are not afraid of challenges.
Do you run a company or manage the company’s finances and you are not indifferent to the needs of people? If you see value in what our foundation does, we invite you to cooperate.
With the support of your company we can help in the long term. Systematic financial support will allow us to reach out to a larger number of people in need and complete our projects faster. If you want to join us, there are many forms of cooperation that we can offer you.
Choose the form of help and contact us.
President of the Foundation: Bernarda Grzywacz-Nowicka, tel. 537477140
Director of Development: Maria Wojciechowska-Hamik, tel. tel 791990363, m.wojciechowska-hamik@uskrzydleni.com
Would you like to involve the company’s employees in helping? It is quite simple.
Payroll is a way to directly involve the company and employees in activities for the Uskrzydleni Foundation.
ul. Będlewska 6,
60-101 Poznań, Poland
President of the Foundation
Bernarda Grzywacz-Nowicka
537 477 140
Director of Development
Maria Wojciechowska-Hamik
791 990 363
Coordinator of volunteers
Ewa Krystkiewicz
508 353 909
Cooridinator of wedding fund-raiser
Sarah Taylor-Jaskólska
502 259 260
NIP 7792442928 | Regon 364541171 | KRS 0000620027 (date of entry 25.05.2016)
Bank account number: PL 20 1090 1476 0000 0001 4333 0236